Tut Text Effect Plastic

text effect plastic ini caranya sangat mudah,jika di ikuti dari awal dan teliti,oke langsung aja kita mulai.

klik file > new buat witdh:640 height:180.dan warnai layer tersbt dgn warna hitam

Buatlah text plastic,dan klik
lalu buatlah text dgn tool g logonya T
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Selecting the Type tool from the Tools palette.
lalu atur pengaturan bar yg ada diatas
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Choosing the font in the Options Bar.

buatlah textnya dgn warna putih

Klik yg logonya fx yg ada dibawah kanan:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking the 'Layer Styles' icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.
lalu plih Color Overlay
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Selecting the 'Color Overlay' layer style.
klik pada color swatch dan ubah “Blend Mode” dan pilih warna baru untuk text:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking the color swatch for the Color Overlay.
dan copy kode warna yg ada di gambar di bawah ini:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Photoshop's Color Picker.
lalu klik inner glow
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking the words 'Inner Glow' in the list of Layer Styles.
dan atur dgn seperti gambar dibawah ini:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: The 'Inner Glow' options.
Lalu klik bevel and emboss
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking on the words 'Bevel and Emboss' in the Layer Style dialog box.
dan atur seperti gambar di bawah ini:Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking the down-pointing arrow beside the Contour preview thumbnail.
dan klik pada panah arah ke bawah da akan keluar kotak seperti di bawah ini,lalu klik panah ke arah kanan :
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking the right-pointing arrow in the top right corner of the contour selection box.
dan pilih contorus
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Selecting 'Contours' from the bottom of the list.
maka akan keluar pop-up,dan pilih Append:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking on 'Append' to append the new contours to the bottom of the original ones.
pilih Ring-Triple:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Selecting the 'Ring-Triple' contour.
atur lagi bevel and embossnya:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: The Bevel and Emboss options.

Klik Contour :
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking on the word 'Contour' in the Layer Style dialog box.
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking the down-pointing arrow beside the Contour preview thumbnail.
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Selecting the 'Shallow Slope-Valley' contour.
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Increasing the Contour Radius value to 85%.
maka akan seperti ini:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: The text after applying the Contour layer style.


tekan di keyboard ctrl+j
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: The Layers palette now showing two text layers.
dan klik layer yg ada dibawah lastic copy
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking on the original text layer in the Layers palette to select it once again.

Step 6

klik lagi logo Fx yg ada dibawah kanan,dan pilih stroke:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Selecting 'Stroke' from the list of Layer Styles.
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Increasing the Stroke size to 6 pixels.
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking on the color swatch.
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Sampling a color from the text.

Step 7

klik bevel and embosh:
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Clicking on the words 'Bevel and Emboss' in the Layer Style dialog box.
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Changing the Style to 'Stroke Emboss'.
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Selecting the 'Shallow Slope-Valley' contour.
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Increasing the Shadow Mode Opacity value to 40%.
Click OK dan selesai :
Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: The final 'plastic text' effect.
cara yg sangat mudah,jika ada pertannyaan silahkan komentar disini ^^

8 komentar:

  1. ini pake photoshop yaa,, kebetulan ane suka banget edit-edit di photoshop,, izin boorkmark yaa

    koment back yaa www.ankurniawan.blogspot.com

  2. Wah keren2 tutornya gan.... Update truss ya... (y)

  3. uhuuuuy,,, salah satu pelajaran ane di kampus ini hehehehe,, mksh ya sharing nya
